Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blinded by the light

When we were young my mother would tell us stories that to me were funny and amusing .My brother being two years older was more introspective to him they were teaching story's because he was heard them more times than I did and had time to think about them .Well no because as I grew up t still considered them funny little stories should have thought more deeply.there was a story she told us about a monkey and a cat by a fireplace and the monkeydecide that he wanted to roast some he throws some chestnuts into the fire while the cat laid there sleeping.after the chestnuts were done the monkey grabbed the sleeping cats paw and raked the chestnuts out of the fire and began eating them.oh people I been raked over the coals to many times by people who only wanted to get their fill while I sat on the side nursing my wounds.i was asleep my eyes were closed.if once burnt twice remembered then twice burnt is oh hell no. I have two girls and I will not allow them to grow up to be professional victims girls keep you eyes open and your wits about you .So when absentee granny showed up to buy the girls school clothes and kept mentioning a daddy that rarely paid child support .They assume that her intentions weren't on the level they asked were was she before now . Is it because she's getting old or is it because he knows that he has only two more years of child support payments to with one kid in college and another on the way.maybe they think that they have two cats lying by the fire place.well as my oldest said about granny after she got her school got served

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Comfortably numb

Its been a busy two weeks but things are starting to settle down now my oldest girl is attending college she a freshman and she loves it. She says she sees one problem ,the missing grand mother works there daughter asks did she nag her son about us when we were little the way she nags me about him.if she did then maybe I should ignore her the way he must have ignored her because he never paid any child support .I was thinking maybe I should talk to my ex,s mother but then again maybe I should let her get taken down by the sharp tongue of an nineteen year old girl with something on her mind

Monday, August 08, 2005

Pass the dutchy on the left

I was standing in my driveway one day when a car with two young ladies pulled up asked me where was the funeral gathering for so-n-so was.well i don't know so-n-so nor where they see in the black community we have a after party and we have a after funeral.and there are some people who follow funerals just for the gathering afterwards .The thought of free food make some people do strange things.i have crashed a couple of family reunions myself. But when you have been driving for hours in way back Georgia and the kids are hungry and the nearest restaurant is a kajillion miles away and you see that church sign that's says so-n-so,s family reunion you just pull in a say hey cuz I haven't seen you in ages. I bet you don't remember me, guess who .You just keep talking while the kids fill their paper plates and run back to the car.then on as if on Que you say where's those brats of mine. they are so wild, let me go find them.then its back on the road again and damn if the little hellions didn't get anything for me, just a lot of sweets.i might be the reason why the people at reunions wear family t-shirts now they should start doing that at never know who,s there to pay respect to the decease and who,s there to pay respect to the chef. theres a lots of food at black funerals most are the type that probably killed the decease,pigtails, pig feet,well lets just say the whole hog and chicken cooked in every conceivable way. But no fish I don't know why .You would think that that,s what they would need to feed the multitude of people who didn't know the decease but all agree to a man that his people can show throw down in the kitchen

Friday, August 05, 2005

This or that

Some Jehovah witness came to my door yesterday. They usually make their round in the area every few weeks .You can see them walking down the street. Men in one group women in another. Wonder why they do that. I have never had a couple come to my door its always two men or two woman.think I should ask?, are you two gay?.They say that only 144,000 people will go to heaven.if that's true then why are they trying to got more people to join .If I was one ill be at the kingdom hall saying, you know suzy the mormons are giving away free chocolate you should go check them out.hey bill did you know the Moslems are giving away free backpacks think of all the free watchtowers you'll be able to carry.i cant deal with a - women stay in the home- type of religion. This bird,s got wings and iam going to use them. I am a single parent and I don't have time to deal with that nonsense. I cant sit around and wait for some man to come take care of me .Most of them cant even take care of them selves.even the ones who can seems to be looking in anther direction if you get my drift.anyway Mr and Mrs roboto regroup at the end of the block and seem to discuss their next move which to go around the corner and start knocking on doors again and hand out more free watchtowers.maybe I should start a religion where everyone who went through a living hell on earth gets to go to heaven and the people who put them through it goes to hell with an extra 144,000.-mostly lawyers and auto mechanics

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Pass me the gat

It was on the news yesterday .I don't know all the facts but an old lady had to take out an aggressor that was attacking her in her own house .A sometime sleep over who probaly tried to take kindness for weakness. It happens you know. You cant be nice to everybody but then again maybe the old lady was a gangster from way back. Ma barker wasn't the only woman kicking up dust way back when the woman attacked the old lady with a knife the old lady broke her off somthin proper.what they say about taking a knife to a gun fight these old black women have went throught a lot in their lives they are not as stupid scared and weak as many people think .Last month an old lady made a would be rapist feel sorry he ever came at her and I bet the inmates in the prison hes going to will make him feel even sorrier so the next time you're sitting next to an old lady that's humming listen real good she might not be humming amazing grace it might be brand Nubian,pass me the gat I gotta fight back I aint going out like a m---f---r.