Saturday, May 14, 2005


a couple of years ago i was at a parts store on montgomery st buying oil for my pile of scrap metal while putting the oil in my car i was aproached by this guy who asked me for a dollar to get something to eat i was takened aback by his apearance. (scared is the is the word) he had sores all over his body including the palms of his hand. i thought, "he,s got got aides he,s gonna touch me i am gonna die" any way i reached into my pocket and offered him a dollar he said two i put the money back in my pocket and he said okay i,ll take one. i took a glance back to my engine looked up and he was gone like a ghost he vanished how can someone so sickly move so fast i wonder what does he see when he passes a store window and sees his reflection does he see the angel of death walking so close behind. does he see an image of what he used to be or does he avoids looking at himself hiding behind a crack pipe he was somebody,s child someone played peekaboo with him and held his while he took his first steps now he,s taking his final steps alone and i wonder where are the smart bombs for the coke plantations just south of our borders where are the drones and precision srtikes on the drug cartels that have been waging chemical warfare on our people for the last few decades