Saturday, July 02, 2005

Snake in the grass

There it was in my backyard slithering across my path black and shiny. A snake. I didn't notice it until my daughters who were beside me a second ago was now on the patio yelling momma a snake. Well so much for standing against the enemy shoulder to shoulder. a detached penis moving about- like homosexuality- will make any man stop in his tracks turn around and cut and run, or kill it. it makes them feel uneasy. After all it was a snake that seduced eve and cleo distraught over love used one to end her life. Some people keep them as pets. Big ones.they carrie them draped over their shoulders -look how big mine is-you can't carry a gun around like that.The snake in my yard was a black racer a protected species of snake I couldn't kill it. the coast guard fly over my house every day on the way to the beach and if they happen ro look down just as i was raising a stick to hit it the DNR will have me face down in my yard faster than you could say missing white girl.They are suppose to keep down the mice and vermin. I don't see how one mouse and a snake is down for the count faster than a man with a beer on the sofa. And mice breed like well, like mice by the time the snake digests his meal little mice are sitting around listening to grandma tell the story about how the great detached penis ate granpa.Well the snake made his way out of the yard i guess he was just passing through.but they are like buses if you wait long enough another will come along. wait a minute What the hell am i talking

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