Friday, April 15, 2005

little girls grow up

i took my daughters picture down because she said that was nt very flattering well she a teenager now and she can very picky about some things. maybe some boy she likes might see it or something and it might embarrass her. hmmm; where is that picture of her going potty ?
my pic
Posted by Hello

here i am
Posted by Hello
my picture
Posted by Hello

hospital fortress

i went to the hospital the other day to to visit a friend. the hospital was on lockdown .''what.?" oh yes i couldnt go pass the waiting see three teens were visiting a friend and one of them was carrying a 9 millimeter gun. a a security guard spotted the gun and gave chase. the kid (14) with the gun was eventually caught outside the building and there was cops all over the as i sat there another teen started to cry he had just been told that his cousin is in O.R. a victim of a shooting. two different situations with the ending. a young black teen in jail or injured.and everybody else pointing a finger.this cant go on