when things get hard for me i would think of my mother .she had a rough life growing up. her life started out easy her dad had a good job which is saying a lot for a black man in the south in the early 1900 hundreds she said he had a car and he worked for the city of savannah. then the divorce i dont what cause my grand parents to breakup but things went down hill from there her mother moved with her and her brothers and sister to new york and would leave them alone at night to fend for themselves while she would go out to clubs. when my mom married my dad her inlaws made no attempt to hide their feelings about her. they were mean to her and to us my mom had to work to support us, appease evil inlaws ,and try to encourage her man to standup and be a man. i believe my dads major problem was that he listen to the wrong women his sisters and his mother. they didnt want him to be successful be cause they hated my mother and they openly showed their contempt for her childern .but my mom was a very forgiving person she would say if someone gives you a stone give them bread she also said that she only wanted to live long enough to see all of her children grown well she got her wish.she also used to say ,ya,ll gonna miss me when i am gone . and you what know she was right