Tuesday, May 03, 2005

ride like the wind

now this is a nice twist "bride leaves groom at the altar".the now famous, or imfamous runaway bride has been found not kidnapped as she once claimed but just having second thoughts for about the umpteenth time .a lot of women and men are wondering "whats wrong with her" i,ll kill for a chance to walk down the aisle with a loving man and of course there just as many wondering why did you come back stupid? does belching at the table and skid marks in boxers allures you that much. he might rub you the right way now but wait till your feet swell when you,re pregnant see if he,ll rub them . but then again maybe you should go on and marry him you have as the psychiatrists say"classically conditioned" him. you have given him separation anxiety he,ll do what ever you want now because he,ll fear you leaving him. see how quickly he gave you that ring?.you got him girl. you might have even started a new trend

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