Sunday, December 04, 2005
For old times sake
When I wrote pennies from 7-11 I thought about the old days-ancient history to some of you -when I imaged the picture of someone wearing a penny on their ankle thie was something that you would see on older women a penny with a hole in it secured by a string to an ankle I think brass was suppose to have had magical or curative powers so brass was worn as jewelry as bracelets and such brass the poor mans gold was the blingbling of the day.i lived in a black world in the segregated south. When I say black I mean everybody that I met or dealt with was black.the teachers were Black the mailman was Black the storekeeper and the lady that owned the restaurant were Black the evil doctor with the giant needles and the stethoscope that he kept in the refrigerator was Black and even the nurses with the popsicle sticks that didn't have any popsicles on them -open wide ,fer what you done ate the popsicle now you want put the stick in my mouth.with all the things that was going on back then on one considered what type of life we kids were experiencing had playground squabbles we climbed mulberry trees and picked blackberries got to school on time worried about tests and hated the food in the lunchroom.i guess on the other side of town white kids were living a life similar to mine. Back then life in the south was like the TV shows every thing was in black and white
Friday, November 11, 2005
Pennies from seven -eleven
My plp jar is filling slowly but surely-plp means parking lot pennies-but I haven't been picking up to many lately I think penny harvesting is tied to the price of gas when the price of gas went up the the amount of pennies dropped went down the price of gas is always round off to the nearest dollar so if the price says 2.55.9 you pay 2.56.00. there goes my this rate if you drop apenny the penny will actually jump back into your hand and say you idiot you need me why do you treat me like this I remember when you would put a hole in me and wear around your ankle and remember how you would nail me to your doorsill for good luck and how about the times when we was young wild and phone calls was only a dime you would cut my ridge off to make phone calls from the phone booth remember phone booths then you started to ignore me and just throw me into to your cars ashtray or leave me in a dresser draw or leave me in the take a penny leave a penny tray at the store counter a tray that seems to always have the same amount of pennies every day. Now here you are needing me again to fill your desires to run wild at the local wal-mart- I saw two women fighting there the other day.i said dang they be banging at the wal.-any way now that we are back together treat me nice but if you start dropping me remember I know that there's someone looking to pick me up and take me home
Monday, October 17, 2005
we didnt start the fire
the weatherman says its going to rain today it rained and hailed earlier this week. i wonder what went through the mind of the first human to encounter hail he probaly looked up an thought the thing that goes in the mouth to stop the inside hurt and makes the below me soft is about to fall down. imagine his surprise when the ice started to hit him he probaly ran across the fields thinking the boom,boom people in the way up there is throwing rocks at him. after making it to a safe tree he thinks the 'people in the way up there' must be angry at me but why. i will leave my catch here for them and when they see me go hungry to make them happy they will stop. it does, and he goes home to his family and they say it is good that you did that because we were scare when we saw the hard cold stuff fall. we should offer things to them whenever they become angry at us because we must have done something wrong. it was like that then and its is like that now when volcano erupts in an deserted area its just nature but when an volcano erupts and people get killed its god punishing the people. the same is said for earthquakes tsunamis and drought even though these things have been occurring long before people lived in the places where these things happen. you cant blame god because you built your house in a bad neighborhood. and you cant blame the boom,boom people in the way up there.
Monday, September 26, 2005
More ramblings
I have a mason jar-(why is it called a mason jar since women uses them should they call them eastern star jars) on my kitchen counter labeled plp -parking lot pennies- I put the pennies that I find in parking lots in there ,yes I pick them up.its something to do to kill time I don't scour the whole parking lot looking for pennies but if I see one or two on the way to the car I,ll pick it up I guess the person that dropped it is somewhere saying damn if I had one more penny I would be able to buy that rolls to bad you should have picked up your penny.reading bumperstickers are another waste of time.lets hear it for free speech. No matter how dumb it is its still good to know that someone's money and child goes to juvenile court or that their other car doesn't exist either.that sticker of Calvin peeing on whatever is annoying.i wonder if that's how that person deals with the things they don't like -this food is horrible most people would send it back but not me -
Monday, September 12, 2005
it was on the news the other day -i always miss the interesting news- an old lady caught a large fishout of daffin parks pond i never knew that there were large fish in that pond.but then again i dont expect large fish to swim around with their heads out of the water saying,marco, marco.i know i have seen aome koi that someone must have released in there .if she caught one of those she gonna be eating one expensive fish sandwich.pretty but mom said that every fish praises its own pond i guess that one should have kept its mouth. you know how that is. youre outside talking to somebody when- pitooie- a gnat flies into your mouth.i dont think that hook swam into that fish's mouth i think it was aggressivly seeking a free meal.or it thought it was the great pond hunter closing in on its prey. either way its soup for the koi -what the plural for koi-koiese,s -i need to find out who got so much money that they can throw away expensive fish when they tire of them.maybe they got tire of the japanese and want something german or swedish.who knows .and since i am just rambling who cares
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
She came with a warning that was taken lightly by few but those that did flee couldn't escape her wrath the people in the gulf states lives will never be the same she left a legacy and stories that will be told again and again for generations to come.hundreds of thousands of lives became refugees because someone in authority was in denial. Well what couldnt happen did happen.what we were used to seeing in third world countries is happening right next door.what ever happened to prepare for the worse and hope for the best.i really feel for the people that are suffering.the poor as usual got the worse of it.and there was no way for the media to not show it the people suffering were mostly poor and trailers over turned by tornadoes no mud slides pushing mansions into the sea. Just inner city poor fleeing and drowning and dying.and sleeping outside dying of thirst and lack of medical attention like they were in Niger or Ethiopia or somewhere .When things settle down years from now I hope every remember-Prepare for the worse -Hope for the best
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Blinded by the light
When we were young my mother would tell us stories that to me were funny and amusing .My brother being two years older was more introspective to him they were teaching story's because he was heard them more times than I did and had time to think about them .Well no because as I grew up t still considered them funny little stories should have thought more deeply.there was a story she told us about a monkey and a cat by a fireplace and the monkeydecide that he wanted to roast some he throws some chestnuts into the fire while the cat laid there sleeping.after the chestnuts were done the monkey grabbed the sleeping cats paw and raked the chestnuts out of the fire and began eating them.oh people I been raked over the coals to many times by people who only wanted to get their fill while I sat on the side nursing my wounds.i was asleep my eyes were closed.if once burnt twice remembered then twice burnt is oh hell no. I have two girls and I will not allow them to grow up to be professional victims girls keep you eyes open and your wits about you .So when absentee granny showed up to buy the girls school clothes and kept mentioning a daddy that rarely paid child support .They assume that her intentions weren't on the level they asked were was she before now . Is it because she's getting old or is it because he knows that he has only two more years of child support payments to with one kid in college and another on the way.maybe they think that they have two cats lying by the fire place.well as my oldest said about granny after she got her school got served
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Comfortably numb
Its been a busy two weeks but things are starting to settle down now my oldest girl is attending college she a freshman and she loves it. She says she sees one problem ,the missing grand mother works there daughter asks did she nag her son about us when we were little the way she nags me about him.if she did then maybe I should ignore her the way he must have ignored her because he never paid any child support .I was thinking maybe I should talk to my ex,s mother but then again maybe I should let her get taken down by the sharp tongue of an nineteen year old girl with something on her mind
Monday, August 08, 2005
Pass the dutchy on the left
I was standing in my driveway one day when a car with two young ladies pulled up asked me where was the funeral gathering for so-n-so was.well i don't know so-n-so nor where they see in the black community we have a after party and we have a after funeral.and there are some people who follow funerals just for the gathering afterwards .The thought of free food make some people do strange things.i have crashed a couple of family reunions myself. But when you have been driving for hours in way back Georgia and the kids are hungry and the nearest restaurant is a kajillion miles away and you see that church sign that's says so-n-so,s family reunion you just pull in a say hey cuz I haven't seen you in ages. I bet you don't remember me, guess who .You just keep talking while the kids fill their paper plates and run back to the car.then on as if on Que you say where's those brats of mine. they are so wild, let me go find them.then its back on the road again and damn if the little hellions didn't get anything for me, just a lot of sweets.i might be the reason why the people at reunions wear family t-shirts now they should start doing that at never know who,s there to pay respect to the decease and who,s there to pay respect to the chef. theres a lots of food at black funerals most are the type that probably killed the decease,pigtails, pig feet,well lets just say the whole hog and chicken cooked in every conceivable way. But no fish I don't know why .You would think that that,s what they would need to feed the multitude of people who didn't know the decease but all agree to a man that his people can show throw down in the kitchen
Friday, August 05, 2005
This or that
Some Jehovah witness came to my door yesterday. They usually make their round in the area every few weeks .You can see them walking down the street. Men in one group women in another. Wonder why they do that. I have never had a couple come to my door its always two men or two woman.think I should ask?, are you two gay?.They say that only 144,000 people will go to heaven.if that's true then why are they trying to got more people to join .If I was one ill be at the kingdom hall saying, you know suzy the mormons are giving away free chocolate you should go check them out.hey bill did you know the Moslems are giving away free backpacks think of all the free watchtowers you'll be able to carry.i cant deal with a - women stay in the home- type of religion. This bird,s got wings and iam going to use them. I am a single parent and I don't have time to deal with that nonsense. I cant sit around and wait for some man to come take care of me .Most of them cant even take care of them selves.even the ones who can seems to be looking in anther direction if you get my drift.anyway Mr and Mrs roboto regroup at the end of the block and seem to discuss their next move which to go around the corner and start knocking on doors again and hand out more free watchtowers.maybe I should start a religion where everyone who went through a living hell on earth gets to go to heaven and the people who put them through it goes to hell with an extra 144,000.-mostly lawyers and auto mechanics
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Pass me the gat
It was on the news yesterday .I don't know all the facts but an old lady had to take out an aggressor that was attacking her in her own house .A sometime sleep over who probaly tried to take kindness for weakness. It happens you know. You cant be nice to everybody but then again maybe the old lady was a gangster from way back. Ma barker wasn't the only woman kicking up dust way back when the woman attacked the old lady with a knife the old lady broke her off somthin proper.what they say about taking a knife to a gun fight these old black women have went throught a lot in their lives they are not as stupid scared and weak as many people think .Last month an old lady made a would be rapist feel sorry he ever came at her and I bet the inmates in the prison hes going to will make him feel even sorrier so the next time you're sitting next to an old lady that's humming listen real good she might not be humming amazing grace it might be brand Nubian,pass me the gat I gotta fight back I aint going out like a m---f---r.
Friday, July 29, 2005
I am coming out
No I am not gay just singing a song by Diana Ross see my blog has passed the one thousand reader mark .I know some people get that much I'm a week .But hey its hard to choose a topic when you have so much to say.the story's I could tell you will curl your toes.when you walk in on two well defined good looking,hmm,hmm hm.oh daddy .looking men locking lips.well they said when the British left India their military band play The World Turned Upside Down-the Australian national anthem is Waltzing Matilda-I should have expected it after all we found out Rock Hudson was gay. We knew Liberace was a little light in the loafers but rock?All the gay men I ever knew has never been in a closet except maybe to check out my wardrobe-girl I know you're not going to wear this-oh man the things I have seen.then there was the time my ex(we were together at the time) told me he got stuck in Florida because the friend he was with abandon him and he had to work odd jobs to get enough money to get back home and I believed him .Then the other day I googled him and found out he was in jail right here in town.i felt like sally after she found out that the great pumpkin was a beagle. I've been trick what a fool I was.and religion, don't get me started.i wont be taking any trips to jonestown any time soon to sample coolaid laced with cyanide nor will i be strapping on any backpacks. Leave that to Dora the a matter of fact I avoid any religion that has jokes that end with the punchline-why is she out of the kitchen and where did she get those shoes-or any that teaches that a good woman is --and you can add whatever here--it probaly be obedient or subservient ,or can bake a cherrypie Billy boy Billy boy.and politics make wanna holla throw both my hands
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Fifty ways to leave your lover
A true story .Lisa was having problems with her live in boy friend he was trying to become a part of her body she couldn't go any where with he following her and he aws suspicious of her .Where have you been, where are you going, he would ask her. Not out of concern for her safety. The little apple had its perils but she could take care of herself.he wasn't always like that at least it didn't show or maybe she didn't notice.hes just worried about me she would think .Now things have gotten to the point where she just a bird in a gilded cage and it was time to fly. But how do you leave someone who has become your shadow.she made a few phone calls from a friends house.and squirreled away a few dollars.she then set out to become the dutiful obedient girl she knew her boy friend wanted. One day she say lets go to the movies. She picks one she knew he would like and off they went. It was a good movie and he was really into it she says I have to go to the bath room do you want me to bring you something back from the concession stand ill pay -that's the sweetest bait you can use anything or anybody- she walks pass the restrooms pass the concession stand and out the door to her sisters waiting car they drove to her apartment and helped her brother inlaw finish loading her stuff into the uhaul that was backed up to the apartment door.she got all her stuff loaded got in her sisters car and it was goodbye yellow brick road. Four hours later the uhaul was backing up to her new apartment in another town. As for her ex I don't know what happened to him but I can pretty much imagine the look on his face when he got home
Monday, July 18, 2005
$40 bucks a pop
When you're down on your luck and your cash isn't flowing where do you go to get rid of a bad tooth .There's a place on ----- street that charges $40 dollars per tooth.the place was filled like the county jail day room -to quote ice cube-the looks on the people faces went from oh this hurts to somebody shoot me now. Well my tooth didn't hurt that bad and after looking at the faces of the people that came out after getting their tooth pulled I decided that my tooth didn't hurt at all. As a matter of fact I only came in to cool of an air conditioned room yeah that's it before I left I asked a patient about the procedure and he mumbled dribbled to me what happened said the doctor looked into my mouth and asked me if I wanted to get it pulled and I foolishly answered yes so he shot me with something to kill some of the pain then he walked away. About a minute later he came back and stuck something in my mouth and started pulling a minute later he was showing me my tooth and asking me if I wanted to keep it. I said ro ranks. He give me a prescription for penicillin patted me on the back and said pay on the way out .I asked .What about pain. He said .They said to buy extra strength tylenol. That's when my tooth really stopped hurting as a matter of it began to tickle not really it just that people with lips numbed by novacaine look and sound funny when they try to talk and this guy was cracking me up.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Sooner or later you are going to meet one if you haven't already the thing is you never know who's one until its too late. They don't always look like Tyrone yelling- I want some crack.crackheads are dumb people who have gotten smart and inventive in procuring the one thing that motivates them crack.a crackhead can cash a check that you cant be it from out of town or from another planet they know someone who will cash it.they can sell things that you cant sell and they will try to sell you things that you didn't even knew existed.what I cant understand how can they just pop out of nowhere with a microwave oven push it in you face and say give me $10 for do you walk around with a oven looking for a buyer and not attract attention. Do they have time portals that they slip into then zap they are on the other side of lock you car and go into a store and when you come your mp3 player is gone. A regular crook would do some damage but a crackhead cant afford to get caught hes got to make that sale so he can get some crack. So zap into the portal and hes on the other side of town .You go home and your friend calls and say- hey I just bought a mp3 player for $10 now we can trade CD's .
Monday, July 11, 2005
Grandma who ?
My ex mother inlaw is trying to get back into my children's life not that she ever really was apart of their lives.after fifteen years she expects them to take to her a duck takes to an oven -hmmmm roast duck- any way they are girls and they are like the cats they keep around the house standoffish .Is that a word.she never had any girls so she don't know the pleasure of having teenage girls around the house. If I was mean I would talk them into staying with her for awhile that'll teach her a lesson or two.were was she when they were teething or needed holding when they were getting their shots or making crayon drawings of I don't know what and telling them its pretty while trying not to laugh.they are asking me the same questions about her. where was she back then.these are girls that you cant buy off with promises of trips to belks and computers for college.these girl- as I have said -are teens and girls their age even the nice ones can be a handful their wits and tongues are sharp and if your not used to dealing with them they will send you home crying.well I've talk to my girls about visting their granma and they said no way.the thing is my exs mother don't understand why
Saturday, July 09, 2005
If we ever learn anything from TV commercials its that a woman's place is in the home. Or it seems that's what admen think. Practicably every commercial selling homecare products feature woman. They are either spraying a very clean roach infested kitchen or scrubbing an already clean sink-talk sbout obsesive compulsive behavior- and in their spare time they are getting together to race vacuam cleaners.they also carry around a box of tampons just encase a canoe springs a leak.and they borrow their sisters blouse party in it all night. Put it back and lie about it. But that doesn't matter because sis nose is broke. A blouse that's been partying all night is a blouse that's funky I care what deordorant you've been wearing. Commercials have always playup stereotypes remember the Frito bandito or how do get my shirts so clean mr chan ,ancient Chinese secret the Ajax laundry detergent guy on horse back that went around zapping people in diry clothes making them clean.what were they homeless people once dirty now clean?-zap you're clean go get a job-Mr clean would clean your whole house and every thing that's in it but did you notice that Mr clean only came around when hubby was away. Come to think of it brawny never comes around when hubby is home hmmm what's up with that.and how about the lady that hung her head in shame when it was pointed out that her husband has ring around the collar.every once in awhile they will show a man trying to houes work but its a woman who has to show him the bette.r way mommy to the the old cigarette commercial says you've come a long way baby
Friday, July 08, 2005
Time and time again
I wrote in my blog a few days ago about bill cosby and his comment on the black community and added my own opinions some which seemed to rankled a couple of people this is good but they seem to be uninformed. You cant paint a detailed picture with a broad brush when you do its called profiling. Not all schools run by blacks or have a majority of black teachers.afriacn americans are not a big black blob resting on the continent of America. We are individuals who are in different situations because of different events that occurred in our lives.suzy might be acting whorish because she wants to be a video whore but Jane might be acting the same way because she was introduced to sex at an early age by an relative or family friend.looking from the outside you would only see two loose girls .Who's the wanna be gangbanger who's the undiagnosed dilexic.problems like these have to be dealt with on an individual basis.if you were in an emergency room with a lot of other people and the nurse came in and said since you are all sick I am going to give everyone the type of shot.What would you say?
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I went to a walmart today with my brother. well really he went with me. He hates that store they never have jeans in my size he says. He wears a size 30 /32. He picks up a pair that's 50/30 and says who in the hell wears these humpty dumpty.there was a time when being a big man was a thing of pride back when work was hard and strength was needed to get the job done.Then being large was a sign of success a man with a big belly was said to be we know that a person with a large gut is a cantidate for a heart attack or stroke.never mind that. he,s funny. Fat guys are suppose to be jolly like their leader Santa and their mascot frosty I am not saying that all fat people are at risk or that all skinny people are healthy.but when was the last time a skinny person was buried in a piano case. He might live in one but buried in one if you are a big,un the super center is the place for you to shop. If you are smaller then you have to go to a more expensive place and pay a higher price for something made in the same place by the same people for the same pay.well at least you can afford buy it. it the people who made it can't
Saturday, July 02, 2005
How Stella got the blues back
Oh wow a sequel to the movie that sent hundreds of American women to the islands in search of love-come to Jamaica mon not you I said mon-as it turned out the role that was played by taye diggs should have been played by little Richard-shut up-I can hear him now-I originated that role; before me there was no gay jamaicans pretending to be straight.yep teri hooked one of those downlow brothers death in a pair of now or later gators.while she was laying back savoring the moment he was tipping pass her window cause he sho want to go out and dance bad boy.i guess being on the rebound can make you overlook some things.if she really wanted someone young she could have gotten a job teaching fifth grade at least she would have ended up with someone straight' a little jail time maybe but a nice wedding.while poodle boy was washing shampooing and putting nail polish on fido in the front his friend was in the back waiting to do the dog(that's a old song I don't know if you remember it,but hey you're online google Rufus Thomas )well life might be a stage but it doesn't come with a play bill so its hard to tell the actors apart
Snake in the grass
There it was in my backyard slithering across my path black and shiny. A snake. I didn't notice it until my daughters who were beside me a second ago was now on the patio yelling momma a snake. Well so much for standing against the enemy shoulder to shoulder. a detached penis moving about- like homosexuality- will make any man stop in his tracks turn around and cut and run, or kill it. it makes them feel uneasy. After all it was a snake that seduced eve and cleo distraught over love used one to end her life. Some people keep them as pets. Big ones.they carrie them draped over their shoulders -look how big mine is-you can't carry a gun around like that.The snake in my yard was a black racer a protected species of snake I couldn't kill it. the coast guard fly over my house every day on the way to the beach and if they happen ro look down just as i was raising a stick to hit it the DNR will have me face down in my yard faster than you could say missing white girl.They are suppose to keep down the mice and vermin. I don't see how one mouse and a snake is down for the count faster than a man with a beer on the sofa. And mice breed like well, like mice by the time the snake digests his meal little mice are sitting around listening to grandma tell the story about how the great detached penis ate granpa.Well the snake made his way out of the yard i guess he was just passing through.but they are like buses if you wait long enough another will come along. wait a minute What the hell am i talking
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Bill Cosby was on nightline last night expressing his views about the black community or should I say talking about what's wrong with poor black people. In a way he's right we have all met people who are like the ones he describe in his tirades .But his reason for and answers to the problem are to simplistic. There is no easy answers for complicated problems.The reason young black girls get pregnant are the same reason young white girls get pregnant its just that the abortion rate for whites girls are higher than that for black girls.And not all black boys drop out because they think being ignorant is cool some are just pushed out black boys are suspended from school for the things that white boys get a note to carrie home to mama for.Still there are people in the hood who are just like the ones bill describe and yes there are people who migrate to this country and get on the fast track to success.those people work together to help each other in a way we don't see Jose will let Juan stay with him until he find a job and will even help him find a job Kim will lend Jung money to open a business and patel will let patel work in his store until he makes enough money to open his own store. the most I will get is whose your pastor or what church you go to.yes there's some work to done in the hood but first we have to learn to like and care for each other. And as for gangster rap he's right its time to bury that sh--t.
PINK FLOYD - Time Lyrics
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then the one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's
And racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older
And shorter of breath and one day closer to death
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines hanging on in quite desparation is the english way the song is over the time is gone thought i had something more to say
PINK FLOYD - Time Lyrics
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then the one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's
And racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older
And shorter of breath and one day closer to death
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines hanging on in quite desparation is the english way the song is over the time is gone thought i had something more to say
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
When the Adman testifies
TV ad people have it rough they have to present a product and convince you to buy it in less than 60 seconds. When it comes to convincing me they fail.its only because they insult my intelligence.why would a woman have a whole box of tampons on a canoe trip.if she need to carry around a box of tampons she should be in a hospital not a canoe.and what about a woman that's so obsessed with dusting that she would dust her neighbors house. Why cant I have a neighbor like that.the male enhancer drugs were annoying then amusing then down right hilarious. Because men were going blind from using it .When they were young they were told that they would go blind from playing with themselves. Now they are going blind from being unable to play with them selves.well they say love is blind. I guess trying to make love can make you blind. But there's a upside when she says does this dress makes me look fat. He can say I don't know I cant see-wanna have sex?
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Cowboys to girls
That's an old song by the Intruders I heard it on the radio yesterday on the golden oldies station it's about guy who's remembering about how it was when he was young it seems he didn't know - but later found out- that girls were made for kissing. I don't know who told him that probaly the same people that told him that girls were made of sugar and spice, the greeting card companies.of course girls like to kiss and girls like to hug but that not what they are made for. And boys aren't made for shootem up bang bang even though that's what everybody seems to think maybe that's why men don't live as long as woman.they have to adhere to the stereotype that men have shoot the bad guy and rescue the woman, kiss her and ride off into the sunset with the girl with him on his horse, behind him of course like a four legged motorcycle(what do they call that seat).Things have changed since that song came out.Girls now go from baby dolls to career choices and with the blurring of combat lines in Iraq some have wenT from baby dolls to combat rifles.Yes your whole world has been rearranged.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
You're not jiggling baby
There comes a time in every woman life when she notices that every thing has gone south. Now this doesn't happens over night. You don't get up one morning stand up and spoing,thoses puppies are pointing at your toes. in our culture that's bad thing we are obsessed with breasts, well men are anyway.they have more names for breasts than an Eskimo has for snow.some women equate breast size with attractiveness.they pump them up and push them up and expose just enough to get that attention.but it cant last. Gravity hasn't been laid off yet he's still gainfully employed and he's going to do his job, so forget the creams the silicon and the saline injections save your money and let nature do her job. A life time of backaches is enough and if the men aren't staring at you anymore just put a stick of chalk in your purse and when you are walking down the sidewalk drop down and write out the law of quadratic reciprocity using the Legendre symbol that should get you some attention
Monday, June 20, 2005
Into every life
Its official its now summer, I know it felt like it was summer six weeks ago but the powers that be says it isn't summer till the sun crosses the equator or something like that.its also the start of hurricane season the time when nature shows the southeast who's the think fiber can make can a person move? Consider a category four hurricane bearing down on him.a category one hurricane is a singing in the rain type of storm. Category two is the same with a faster tempo,category four is run forest run.i have only evacuated once before a storm it took four hours to get out of the county and six hours to find a shelter that had room for me and my kids we followed three city buses full of people to an abandoned school in wayback Georgia or whatever it was called with no food and nothing to sleep on the sad thing about it was that there were old people there alone some in wheel chairs.but the people in that town was good people. Someone came in (in the middle of the night mind you)saw what was needed and scrounged up some food for the old folks and kids. then other people began to arrive with blankets and sleeping mats.they didn't expect this but they responded to this bedraggled horde of savannahians with charity and kindness.I wont evacuate the next time there's a category four hurricane but its good to know that for those that do there's welcoming arms out there wait to ease their suffering
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Growing pains
Yesterday while driving with a friend we passed house with a vegetable garden on the front lawn it was part lawn part farm I had to stop because the size of the cabbages on the front row. They were bigger than Lou rawls head and that's big.i have a vegetable garden but its in the back yard and nothing I grow ever gets as big as the stuff this man was growing (or woman I never got a chance to see whose garden it was)their tomatoes were big enough to lob at a bad comedian and do major damage-or a politician they all the be able to go out into your backyard and pick you dinner is refreshing. And they seem to taste better than store bought produce . I can't get over those cabbages. I wonder what's in the back yard a shed carved out of a giant gourd?
(yup I growed it mysef)or a four legged chicken?. Remember that joke.(I don't know never been a able to catch him).Its good to have a hobby and growing things is one of the best. Better than trying to become a Hilton or listening to someone talk about why they ran away from their wedding.hey look Jennifer peas the size of your brains
(yup I growed it mysef)or a four legged chicken?. Remember that joke.(I don't know never been a able to catch him).Its good to have a hobby and growing things is one of the best. Better than trying to become a Hilton or listening to someone talk about why they ran away from their wedding.hey look Jennifer peas the size of your brains
Friday, June 17, 2005
Everybody's a star
Its easy these days to become an arthor of a best selling book all you have do is commit a crime or be involved in one or just be acquainted with someone that's disfunctional and boom you're on the best sellers list. You might even get a movie deal or a television special.But this isn't new like reality TV and tornadoes it comes in cycles (remember ,That's Incredible and Ripleys believe or not)I can't wait till this is over but I would really like to cash in on it while its fashionable. I know someone who says that they know someone who think that they might know someone who actually gave a thankyou wave when they were given a cut on a busy street and they did it while talking on their cell courteous and talented I have got to locate that driver with the morals of a saint and the skills of a gymnast. now that's a best selling book.Do you know hard it is to find a driver with more skills than a chimpanzee. They applie makeup and they wreck,they drink coffee and they wreck, they try to eat a full course meal and they wreck.And then there's the phantom waver so skilled,so agile ,so chaching worthy. I got to get her story.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Its hot
Its hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk if that's how you like to cook your eggs. Its better to stay indoors under the fan. The brightness of the sun says come out but the heat says don't you dare and I can see that heat stroke peeking from behind that tree waiting on me.No i,ll sit here in my sun dress that wont see the sun today and get up every once in awhile and walk to the screen door and look out while wiping my forehead with a cool glass of ice tea. You know its funny how the kids cant hear you when you tell them to stop jumping on the bed but can hear the icecream man ten blocks away. Well alright here's the money. And by the way get me a bombpop and don't step on my egg it looks almost done
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Moon walker
So mike gets to to moon walk away from an alledged child molestation conviction. I guess having money is an automatic get of jail card. People with money don't have to go to jail.i am not sure if he is guilty or not the circumstances surrounding him does seem strange an adult sharing a bed with kid that isn't related is odd. Sharing a bed with a kid that's related is oj and Robert Blake and the ramseys he'll always have the air of suspicion around him and of course he,ll have his fans saying that hes just trying to relive the childhood that he never had but most people who want to recapture their youth dress up as aliens and go to startrek conventions and hang out with other people their ages I'm sure that there are adult peter pan fans out there somewhere
Sunday, June 12, 2005
The sly fox knows many little tricks
When he was little my brothers friend told him that he knew where they could get some sweet plums fresh off the tree, they were in an neighbors yard. The old lady that lives there didn't care but they had to climb the fence to get them. My brother said that he thought that that didn't sound to good but the idea of getting some plums drowned out that noise so to the yard and over the fence they went they were so busy picking the sweet and juicy plums they didn't see the old lady and her grown son approach. She grabbed them and asked, what are you doing in my yard. My brother said he tried to explain to the lady how his friend told him it was okay by her.His friend told him that they had to climb the fence because the lady didn't want them walking through her house.The lady told her son to call the cops. He said the lady looked at them both when she said that they were going to go to jail then still staring at them she said I'm going to tell your mamas.She then turn to her son and and said you know what to do.She held on to my brother for a few minutes then let him. Go back over the fence the way you came she said.So back over the fence he went and home to mama waiting on the porch with a belt. The sly fox knows many littletricks but the hedgehog knows one big one
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Color struck
My mom told that there was a church near her when she was a little girl that had a comb hanging in the door and if your hair got tangled in the comb you couldn't enter the was a colored church 'as they used to say back then'.As I grew up and studied black American history I found out that some churches even had a paper bag test if your elbow was darker than a brown paper bag you couldn't enter that church.all of this came to my mind while I was watching a few rap videos. It seems that the person or people that audition dancers (if you can call them that )uses the same methods (and they say that they are not old school).Even athletes and movie star seem to use the same methods. Maybe there's a kit that you can buy from the drug store right next to the magnum condoms or maybe they give them out at the barber shop because it seems only men uses it.women just go out find someone and television producers get a kit when hired.that and a clause in their contract saying that they can never make a movie for kids starring a black kid unless he's a cartoon.i am not dumping on people with light skin its just that we come in such a large range of colors.its like a field of flowers. We should take in all of its beauty and not limit ourselves
Thursday, June 09, 2005
My pain your pain
The lady's face was was the definition of pain if you looked up the word pain in the dictionary her face would be right beside it and the only thing that could make it go away was marijuana. Weed, good weed, BC bud,hydro,the stickiest of the stickicky but the feds said no its against the law and enforcing the law is more important than relieving pain right?.Other people have pain you don't see them running home to fire up a fat one right?.Well pain isn't the same for everyone each person have their own set of pain receptors. You cant possibly know the real pain that someone else feels. You might sympathize with them or you might ignore them but you can never know what feelings are flowing through their bodies or how intense the pain is to them .Well your isn't like my pain when I hurt I can take a tylenol.when you are hurting and throwing from up chemotherapy the law says,well that too damn bad.
Semper Fi
My 18 year old son called home last night from Okinawa Japan, he said hello from the future. It was Thursday in Japan it was Wednesday here it was good to hear from him. I tend to worry about him with a war going on and all .I had hoped that the war in Iraq would be over by the time he had finished boot camp but it still rages on and it will be two years before I see him again after 18 years of being a mother to him it was hard to see him leave .But there comes a time when the boy becomes a man and strikes out on his own.i wanted him to go to college but he had other ideas. So he went his own way and that's good because after all its his life and he has to make his own decisions now
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I really hate that chicken commercial where the man recites all the things that he loves about his favorite fast food joint its worst than the one where he says that his favorite place serves mama slap chicken. He says when his mama asks him who makes the best chicken when he says ___'s his mama slaps him. I think she should slap him for wearing that ridiculous suit.what is it with black people and chicken anyway. Everybody eats chicken why but is it considered a stereotype when black people are shown eating chicken. And why are all the fastfood chicken commercials seem to directed at black people.i know for a fact white people eat a lot of chicken. And in the south chicken is the unofficial state bird in every region.i mean who ever heard of northern fried chicken or western fried the north they boil it and make soup out of it and on the west coast its made out of soybeans and called touchen or chicfou.chicken is best fried at home on your own stove so when you eat it you would at least know what floor its been dropped on or who sneezed over it. Oh yeah you have a real salad with it and not rabbit food
Sunday, June 05, 2005
That's me in the spotlight(2)
If you ask any of the people around here what kind of religion Islam is and chances are they will say its a violent one. they will quote what others has said about what's in the quran. They would say that the quran tells Moslims to kill all unbelievers. This is an convenient misinterpretation and sadly enough a lot of Moslems believe this too. As I have said before religion in the hands of man is an dangerous thing.from The Albigensian Crusade to the latest bombing in Baghdad no religion can hide from the revealing light of history.racism is practice under the cover of religion.they are not just knights they are Christian knights.and if they don't have a religion to support their cause then they will reinvent one and say that Jews are the spawn of Satan and black people are mud people. Or they will say that the quran says the the white man is the devil. What amazes me is that people will believe anything without studying it first and then putting it in perspective when it comes to violence the old testament is rated x.the The Baghavad Gita is no fairy tale either. Wait I take that back fairy tales are full of violence too
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Everyday observances
A few things I have noticed.(1) on the always end up right behind the person who passed you earlier at the next stop light.(2) traffic always move slow when you are late and moves fast when you are going to the dentist.(3)some people will pass you even though their turn off is only a half a block away.(4) the amount of time that you have to wait for someone to back out of a parking slot increases if the slot is close to the building you want to the store (1). The first cart you get will have a wobbly wheel. (2) college students buy lots of Raman noodles.(3) you will never see Asians buy Raman noodles.(4) single men shop like college students.(5) the 10 items or less line is predominantly male.(6)there are some people who would write a check for $10 worth of groceries.outside (1) there is always someone who cant remember where they parked their car. And when you get home you will find that you didn't get half the stuff you set out to get and got a lot of stuff you don't need
Friday, June 03, 2005
Con mail
Today I received five e-mails from five different individuals requesting my help in securing their money from the people or governmental authorities that were holding it from them. You might have heard of this scam give them your bank account number and they deposit the money into your account. They are just playing on your kindness(stupidity) or your greed (stupidity maximus).Your might think you will end up holding several million dollars for someone but will only end up in debt or bankrupt. Its the old bait and switch game where you end up with a few dollars wrapped around cut up if you receive any e-mail from a Adam Bello or Prince Prince Eze (yes that's his name)Abdul Hasan or, now get this, Madame Abacha beware. I even got an e-mail from a bank (southtrust, never heard of it )they wanted my account number because they were doing a survey. I may be stupid but I am not that stupid. Remember a fool and his money are soon parted
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Its getting warm and the water the tide is right time to go fishing as I said before my favorite place to fish is now blocked by a golf course. I don't have a boat so the next best place is a pier. I am not one of those ,set the drag take, the water temp, wet a finger and stick in the air type of fisherman. I am more of a put the bait on the hook and throw in the line in the water type of fisherman. Around here live shrimp is the best bait. I never seem to catch any fish worth keeping from the piers but there's more people so at least i have a chance to be nosy people like to talk about themselves. Ah the storys people tell especially old people of course being fisherman most of them are lieing. Then there's the tourist you can always tell which ones they are. they are the ones trying to catch crabs with the metal crab traps or fishing with worms. the fish around the piers don't consider worms good southern cuisine. I would walk around visit the other fisherman and ask if they are catching anything. the answer is always no I just got here and know I saw him there when I came so I annoy him more, what type of bait are you using ,is that beer ,think your wife is sleeping with somebody else while you are here. If I'm not going to catch anything I might as well make this trip interesting.think I,ll go bother the tourists they are always good for a laugh
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Rainy days
It rained almost all day yesterday good for plants bad for drivers well bad for bad drivers. Some people have a difficult time operating their cars in wet weather so there are more fender benders when it rains some streets around here become flooded but people still try to drive through them here,s a rule of thumb if you cant see the white line through the water then the water is too deep to drive through. Of course flooded streets give the suv drivers a chance to use their suvs in a way that was intended driving through deep water and over steep medians and splashing water all over the people standing next to their stalled out cars and denying to themselves that the boulder that they just rode over was really a Volkswagen. Yesterday they were just shmucks lugging around groceries and a bunch of whining kids but today they are soccermomdah of the wild Yukon. Looking down on the stalled out misfortunates who thought that their cars could float,but the dealer said it was a boat car like on James bond. So let it rain today I am staying inside because its hard to find a brick to throw at a suv when you are standing knee deep in water
Monday, May 30, 2005
Annoying habits
A man goes to the doctor and says doctor my arm hurts when i do this and the doctor says then don't do that. Must have been an hmo doc, I often wonder why we insist on doing things that annoy or harm us, not only that we insist on sharing our annoying and harmful habits with others for instance have you ever shared a meal with someone and they took a bite of something that tasted awful. They would remark on how horrible it tastes then offer you to try it sure it has happened before and you probaly have done it too I guess its in our nature to share even if the things we are sharing would gag a pig this also goes for things that we see"ooh look there's a dead dog in the street that been ran over about ten times come look".Another thing that annoys is when someone asks if you,ve got any money. You know that they are about to put the touch on you because whenever someone asks and you say no they never say well here get some of mine walking around while talking on a speaker phone is annoying and a bad habit you could get hit by a car or mugged and beside the crazies are begining to think that you are trying to steal their thunder"hey we invented standing around talking to yourself" we should've gotten a patent.i could go on and an but this is getting a little too seinfeildish and going on and on is a bad habit and its annoying
Sunday, May 29, 2005
simon the slopman <--link
When my brother was about ten years old he worked with a man called Simon .Simons job was to collect discarded food from behind schools and restaurants in large barrels to feed to the pigs out in the country that were owned by some white man. this was in the late sixties my brother only did it after school to earn a little money simon was also an alcoholic and one day he began to tell my brother a story. He say, yeah the Germans said they were beating us so bad that we were turning black as it turned out Simon served with a tank battalion in www2 the man that everyone scorned for being a drunk, the man that the kids teased my brother about working for "I hear you work for Simon the slopman" was a veteran my brother said he wondered how a person that did so much ended up with so little its probaly because no one stopped to really talk to him.a few years ago my oldest son sat down to talk with my cousin a vietnam vet they talked for long time my son said. after their conversation my cousin thanked him because he want to talk about his experience for a long time and he was the first person to really listen. We may not agree with wars or their reasons but we must agree that our sons and daughters are our own and we should give them our ears when they need them
Friday, May 27, 2005
My last post sucked i,ll admit it but i only did it to kill time while thinking about bill cosby,s latest tirade at the black community. bill says that every thing thats bad in the hood is the fault of the people who lives in the hood, on the other hand there are people who are saying that bill has become an uncle tom. Airing dirty laundry doesn't make the problem go away and denying that there,s a problem doesn't help either. throwing cold water on a person is one way to wake him up but not the only way. But still making general statements about poor black people without acknowledging the ones who do try to raise their children to succeed is wrong. The ghetto kids who do graduate from high school and go on to college or join the military or just enter the work force are always ignored by the media while the thugs the pregnant teens and the addicts always seemed get front page news. So yes there are some problems in the hood but there are also some good people trying to make a difference
Thursday, May 26, 2005
my little town
the town i live in is basically a tourist town there's lots of old buildings that have been renovated for the tourists to look at old cemeteries to visit and a water front to walk along and see where the cotton was shipped off to Europe and where the slaves were bought in to sell.stores that sell souvenirs and bars to get drunk in on St Patrick day but all towns have their seamy side the parts the tourist don't see or don't care to see after all if they wanted to see poor people slums and drug deals they could stay home see that .No this is a vacation trip a time to forget what is bad in life and enjoy the good things. pralines and southern cooking a picture of themselves standing next to the statute of the waving girl. Its okay I've been a tourist before i took in the sights took some pictures and ate some of the local cuisine then went home .Tourists travel in packs some walk some keep to the tour buses looking at the buildings and not seeing the people i guess the bad thing about tourists is that the jobs created by them are low paying and they don't tip too well but still they provide jobs for the people from the poor side of town
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
i know you wrote with your right
i started this blog with the idea that i could express myself in a manner that the whole world would see but as i look back i have found that i have been censoring myself i am trying not to offend to many people so i have left some topics alone and only slightly hinted at others mostly politics and religion i really have a lot to say about these two things. i think i, ll be braver in the future. these two things seem to go hand in hand. no ideology has disrupted more lives and caused more wars than these two. i am not an atheist but religion in the hands of man is a dangerous thing. of course theres been lots of works of charity and schools have been built and hospitals. all to advance the cause, to convert, to change the culture of the unbeliever, they say your ancestors were wrong this is the true way. or they say your way of governing is wrong this is the right way i will write more about these things in the future .and racism you know white people dont have a monopoly on rascism there are others .at the last moment i thought i could make a buck or two by publishing this blog but it seems no one is clicking on the ads. but i like doing this anyway and i,ll try to make an installment everyday
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
step right up
i have been told that a long time ago circus and county fairs always had a side attraction called a geek show there you could see the man who bites the head off live chickens or the man who drove nails up his nose or maybe someone who swallows live mice . it seems commercial tv has reached back into the pass to bring us a new updated versions of the geek show. shows like fear factor ,eating worms have more to do with disgust than fear,csi watching someone perform an autopsy is entertainment? Keep the line moving people and over here we have a male prostitute dressed like a woman a rather ugly one at that ( cops) and here's a man getting hit in the groin with a football that's always good for a laugh.watching people humiliate, lie to, and cheat each other isn't entertainment and besides once every four years is enough and thats not counting local elections guess ill just turn off the tv for while; well after i see rob and amber get married
Monday, May 23, 2005
family values
my son the marine called home last night he is stationed in okinawa he is so bright i always thought that he would have been an engineer or an architect but he decided to become a marine anything he says to get out of this towntheres is something about this town that makes our best and brightest leave they go to atlanta or even farther away vowing never to come back maybe being a tourist town has something to do with it there's a lot of sevice jobs some manufacturing jobs but the outside world offers more our small science museum was torn down years ago a clinic offering cosmetic surgery was built were it used to stand .i am still proud of him a lot kids he grew up with aren't doing so good at 19 he already know of kids that he played with when young who aready have a prison record or are trying be dealers or are just standing on the corners sadly my oldest son can say the same thing so many lives wasted i know its hard being a single parent but being a single parent isnt a new thing that just happened in the 20 century i think the difference is that families worked together to help raise a child uncles and aunts and grandparents were involved now nobody cares. Now it i got mine you get yours. how can someone not care if a close relative is in need of help. how can someone not see . i am glad my brothers step in when my ex stopped caring and kept ecouraging my boys to never give up and to keep trying to succeed we need more men like them in our families
Sunday, May 22, 2005
lack of communication
its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday people are comfortable with the familiar, the things they are used to seeing and experiencing so when something different happens they become afraid and uneasy so when some one new shows up in the neighborhood and they are different from the majority. the people become uneasy they try not to show it but there is always one who is scarier than the others and he uses his fears to scare the others. he has seem the news and he knows how those new people are. never mind that the new people have moved there to get away from the same things he has heard about on the news .some the neighbors become like the sheep in animal farm (four legs good two legs bad) others think about moving a few want to welcome the new people but are afraid of becoming a part of the outside group.and anything the new people do will be suspect a house party be will be a meeting of drug dealers or a terrorist planners meeting or a satanic cult meeting.finally someone sells their house cheap it gets rented out real cheap to someone who just dont care about the neighborhood and they neglect the upkeep of their house. its the rent mans job to cut the grass they say. seeing this more people move out and more dontcare people move into the nieghborhood. coming home from work one evening the new neighbor looks around and turns to his wife and says, this nieghborhood has gotten bad we need to move
Saturday, May 21, 2005
life goes on
the wizard of ox was on last night a remake and like all remakes of old movies it sucked the basic elements were in tact but show from an different angle. child bored, lives with aunt and uncle want to leave same as in star wars luke lives with aunt and uncle bored wants to leave. in the original oz movie dorothea( played by judy garland mother of liza ''let me at him'' minelli)gets caught in a tornado and ends trying to get back home after seeing life away from home isn't all that easy especially when you being chased by a witch seeking revenge for the accidental death of her sister and the recovery of her sisters estate( ruby slippers, looks like pumps to me)which by law belongs to her being next of kin and all. dottys companions have all the qualifications for the jobs they are given at the end of the movie they left in charge of oz. real politicians the tin man has a watch for a heart the the scarecrow has a diploma far a brain and the lion i forgot what the lion got for courage i think it was a bottle of scotch in the end Dorothea goes home or wakes up and find that kansas isnt so bad afterall. back in oz the scare crow gets indicted for recieving kickbacks from the mayor of munchkin city the tin man announces that he,s gay and is going live his life openly and the lion is found to have fathered a child by an inner emerald city teen girl went he was a young lion. obla dee obla dah life goes on
Friday, May 20, 2005
we didnt start the fire
the weatherman says its going to rain today it rained and hailed earlier this week. i wonder what went through the mind of the first human to encounter hail he probaly looked up an thought the thing that goes in the mouth to stop the inside hurt and makes the below me soft is about to fall down. imagine his surprise when the ice started to hit him he probaly ran across the fields thinking the boom,boom people in the way up there is throwing rocks at him. after making it to a safe tree he thinks the 'people in the way up there' must be angry at me but why. i will leave my catch here for them and when they see me go hungry to make them happy they will stop. it does, and he goes home to his family and they say it is good that you did that because we were scare when we saw the hard cold stuff fall. we should offer things to them whenever they become angry at us because we must have done something wrong. it was like that then and its is like that now when volcano erupts in an deserted area its just nature but when an volcano erupts and people get killed its god punishing the people. the same is said for earthquakes tsunamis and drought even though these things have been occurring long before people lived in the places where these things happen. you cant blame god because you built your house in a bad neighborhood. and you cant blame the boom,boom people in the way up there.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
there seems to be as many different songs as there are human emotions and experiences . the diference is that you can turn a song off but you cant turn off your emotions or experiences even if you try to be emotionless you are expressing an emotion. sitting alone in an empty room is still an experience. its all apart of acting with and reacting to your inviroment. this is something all living creatures experience. even plants react to hot and cold light and darkness and will even form a scab if bruised or cut our feelings can heal us or they can make us sick you can be rich and sad and put a gun to your head or you can be poor and happy and greet everyone with a smile. how long you live and how healthy you are depends mostly on how well you feel about yourself .and of course a well balanced diet some foods are essential to maintain health. so sit down listento some good music and count your vitamins er, i mean blessings
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
the oath
a man who was trouble in mind once swore that if his problems were solved he would sell his house and give all the money gained from it to the poor .the time came when he realized that he must redeem his oath. but he did not want to give away so much he thought of a way out he put the house on sale at one silver piece included with the house however was a cat. the price asked for this animal was ten thousand pieces of silver another man bought the and cat the first man gave the single piece of silver to the poor and pocketed the ten thousand for himself many people's minds work like this they resolve to follow a teaching;but they interpet thier relationship with it to their own advantage until they learn to over come this they cannot learn at all
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
still i rise
i grew up in a world where the words, please, thankyou ,yes maam ,no maam ,yes sir ,no sir, were a common part of the english language and you would greet older people when you passed them whether you knew them or not of course this was a time when everyone knew their neighbors. times have changed and old neighborhoods have been uprooted but the rules of common courtesy still applies this seems to be lost on some of the youth today. to be nudged aside or hear foul language coming from someone who isnt to old to get spanked can be very unnerving to say the least. how does anyone let their children get out of control. i let my kids play video games watch movies and listen to rap music and they excel in school and everyone tells me what great job i,ve done with them i guess you have to teach them the difference between fantasy and reality i believe a lot of kids do mimic what they see on tv and on rap videos i, ve ove heard more than one teen refer to his girlfriend as his b----. now where did he get that from .childern have to be shown the right way to live and not just told. talk to them not down to them encourage them and help them with their homework and if you cant do the work then say we are going to learn this together and before you know it you might end up going back to college
Monday, May 16, 2005
where,s the broom
we have all been there before, well most of us were. there you are at a wake or funeral and everyone is talking about how good the decease was a kind and wonderful human being and youre thinking are they talking about the same person. you see everyone has some skeletons in their closets and some are kept well hidden never to be known about except by the few who got a chance to peek at them or had the misfortune to be bruised by them. so no one says anything bad. they say its bad to speak ill of the dead let them rest in peace. so the girl who never told no one remains silent after all it was so long ago and she,s grown now the things that went missing are no longer missed the lies that were believable are still believed and he looks so real lying there and so many flowers this was a person that was loved by many and now he,s going to his final reward. everybody walk by to pay their last respects a few giving more than they received. then every body gather to mingle say a few words to the family comment on how well they are holding up, be strong ,he,s in a better place now. then go home and peek into their own closets time to do some cleaning
Sunday, May 15, 2005
sunday sunday
well the week is at a close it,ll be monday soon what makes mondays so brutal is that you,ve spent the last two days sleeping in and on monday you have to get up early the body has to adjust to a new routine all over again two cups of strong coffee might help but lets face it you really dont want to go to work calling in has just about played out so forget about that but wait its still sunday so sit back and relax mondays are,nt all bad you made it through lots of mondays besides it is,nt just the begining of another work week it,s the begining of the rest of your life ( i know thats old but it helps to keep you optomistic)
Saturday, May 14, 2005
a couple of years ago i was at a parts store on montgomery st buying oil for my pile of scrap metal while putting the oil in my car i was aproached by this guy who asked me for a dollar to get something to eat i was takened aback by his apearance. (scared is the is the word) he had sores all over his body including the palms of his hand. i thought, "he,s got got aides he,s gonna touch me i am gonna die" any way i reached into my pocket and offered him a dollar he said two i put the money back in my pocket and he said okay i,ll take one. i took a glance back to my engine looked up and he was gone like a ghost he vanished how can someone so sickly move so fast i wonder what does he see when he passes a store window and sees his reflection does he see the angel of death walking so close behind. does he see an image of what he used to be or does he avoids looking at himself hiding behind a crack pipe he was somebody,s child someone played peekaboo with him and held his while he took his first steps now he,s taking his final steps alone and i wonder where are the smart bombs for the coke plantations just south of our borders where are the drones and precision srtikes on the drug cartels that have been waging chemical warfare on our people for the last few decades
Friday, May 13, 2005
Wrapped around my finger
Taking care of an aging parent can be a tiresome job especially if the parent didn't like you. my brother has this thankless job my dad made it clear early on that only one his sons was special to him now that son now disabled and my dad are being cared for the one person they seemed to hated the most they made my brothers life a living hell sibling abuse is hardly ever mentioned but it happens ususaly under the disguise of roughhousing or what ever but for a parent to stand by and watch a child beat and choke a much younger sibling is abuse plain and simple this would happen whenever my mom was at work which was all the time since she basically supported the family but the years when by and my brother dealt with all the issues in his life and came out strong now my dad and his favorite has to depend on my brother to live a decent life they live in his house and more or less live by his rules i think that they should thank god that he is not the type of person that they were
Thursday, May 12, 2005
quinn the eskimo
ilike music and if you noticed i sometimes use lyric from songs to title my blogs its because you can say a lot with only a few words of course this only works if the people you are communicating with knows the rest of the song this blog would have been about crackheads because know you that quinn had to have been a coke dealer if it was about politics i would have used pink floyd or public enemy if it was about the situation in iraq i would use don henleys all she want to do is dance. william congreve said "Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak".it can be used to tell a story express an idea or sell a car well i am not selling any cars but i have a lot of ideas to express some you wont like and others that,ll make you go hmmm. and yes it is about that because why would the pigeons run to quinn real pigeons fly.yes kiddies quinn is the snowman
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
noisy bird
theres a mockingbird on my street to be precise its perch is an electric post right in front of my house to a lot of people this is a good thing its repetoire of songs range from the sublime to the sweet but this bird is one rude neighbor it has no concept of time so at three oclock in the night its sweet songs are more like fingernails on a blackboard i dont want to know what a cardinal or meadowlark sounds like at three in the morning i want quiet this goes on all summer i have contiplated buying a pellet gun and learn to shoot or a slingshot the cats around here kill a lot of birds but they never seem to get any mockingbirds they are like wiley coyote and he,s like the roadrunner well it could be worse he learn scat or rap if that bird start useing the b_word or the n_word then i,ll get a real weapon and lock and load on him.birds are nice but tweet tweet at three am uh uh
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
thats life
thats what all the people say. thats how the song goes. for awhile every thing seems to come up roses then bam youre wondering what the hell happened but a lot events in your life have their roots in something that happen earlier in your life you might have been too busy to notice or thought of something as unimportant at the moment so while you are injoying yourself that loose thread is unraveling into a big hole so you,re down trying to fix a little problem that seemed to have become a big problem overnight its hard to cover all the loose ends so you are caught in this yin/yang of life the good the bad ,the happiness,the sadness,.the sweet the sour. this can be very frustrating to some people so they either become very religious or alcoholics they say times are bad but____(put diety here)will see me through.or they say i drink to forget the pain. the best thing to do is to buckup be brave and push on because life is not without problems and before you know it you,ll be back on top in june
Monday, May 09, 2005
fool on the hill
a messenger came to a man one day and said to him that one day the waters in the village well wound change and make all the people mad. the man went among the villagers and told them what he had heard the people mocked him and said our people have been drinking water from this well for generations you must be mad he thought about it and decided that he would take some water from the well before it was changed and go live live on an mountain and wait until the waters changed. this is what he did. he stayed there until the waters changed then went down to the village the people were acting strange to him they seemed deranged but when he talked to them they would ask why are you so strange why are you talking and acting so crazy. so the man went back to his mountain but after a time he began to feel lonely so he went back down to the village and drank some of the water from the well and he began to act just like the people of the village when he went to talk to the people they said thank god your are cured before we could not understand you. you were acting very strange. i wrote this from memory but believe i got the basic story right it can be applied to a lot of events that has been happening lately. dont drink the water
Sunday, May 08, 2005
mothers day
Mother's Day in the United States was first proclaimed in 1870 in Boston by Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation, and Howe called for it to be observed each year nationally in 1872. As originally envisioned, Howe's "Mother's Day" was a call for pacifism and disarmament by women. Early "Mother's Day" was mostly marked by women's peace groups. A common early activity was the meeting of groups of mothers whose sons had fought or died on opposite sides of the American Civil War.
The first known observance of Mother's Day in the U.S. occurred in Albion, Michigan on 13 May 1877, the second Sunday of the month. According to local legend, Albion pioneer, Juliet Calhoun Blakeley, stepped up to complete the sermon of the Rev. Myron Daughterty, who was distraught because an anti-temperance group had forced his son and two other temperance advocates to spend the night in a saloon and become publicly drunk. In the pulpit, Blakeley called on other mothers to join her. Blakeley's two sons, both travelling salesmen, were so moved that they vowed to return each year to pay tribute to her and embarked on a campaign to urge their business contacts to do likewise. At their urging, in the early 1880s, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Albion set aside the second Sunday in May to recognize the special contributions of mothers.
n 1907 Mother's Day was first celebrated in a small private way by Anna Jarvis in Grafton, West Virginia, to commemorate the anniversary of her mother's death two years earlier on 9 May 1905. Jarvis's mother, also named Anna Jarvis, had been active in Mother's Day campaigns for peace and worker's safety and health. The younger Jarvis launched a quest to get wider recognition of Mother's Day. The celebration organized by Jarvis on 10 May 1908 involved 407 children with their mothers at the Andrew's Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton (this church is now the International Mother's Day Shrine). Grafton, West Virginia is the place recognized as the birthplace of Mother's Day. The following campaign to recognize Mother's Day was financed by clothing merchant John Wanamaker. As the custom of Mother's Day spread, the emphasis shifted from the pacificism and reform movements to a general appreciation of mothers. The first official recognition of the holiday was by West Virginia in 1910. A proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day was signed by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson on 14 May 1914.
A tradition calls for the wearing of carnations on Mother's Day—a red one if one's mother is alive, white if she has died, and pink if one is not certain.
From Wikipedia
The first known observance of Mother's Day in the U.S. occurred in Albion, Michigan on 13 May 1877, the second Sunday of the month. According to local legend, Albion pioneer, Juliet Calhoun Blakeley, stepped up to complete the sermon of the Rev. Myron Daughterty, who was distraught because an anti-temperance group had forced his son and two other temperance advocates to spend the night in a saloon and become publicly drunk. In the pulpit, Blakeley called on other mothers to join her. Blakeley's two sons, both travelling salesmen, were so moved that they vowed to return each year to pay tribute to her and embarked on a campaign to urge their business contacts to do likewise. At their urging, in the early 1880s, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Albion set aside the second Sunday in May to recognize the special contributions of mothers.
n 1907 Mother's Day was first celebrated in a small private way by Anna Jarvis in Grafton, West Virginia, to commemorate the anniversary of her mother's death two years earlier on 9 May 1905. Jarvis's mother, also named Anna Jarvis, had been active in Mother's Day campaigns for peace and worker's safety and health. The younger Jarvis launched a quest to get wider recognition of Mother's Day. The celebration organized by Jarvis on 10 May 1908 involved 407 children with their mothers at the Andrew's Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton (this church is now the International Mother's Day Shrine). Grafton, West Virginia is the place recognized as the birthplace of Mother's Day. The following campaign to recognize Mother's Day was financed by clothing merchant John Wanamaker. As the custom of Mother's Day spread, the emphasis shifted from the pacificism and reform movements to a general appreciation of mothers. The first official recognition of the holiday was by West Virginia in 1910. A proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day was signed by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson on 14 May 1914.
A tradition calls for the wearing of carnations on Mother's Day—a red one if one's mother is alive, white if she has died, and pink if one is not certain.
From Wikipedia
Saturday, May 07, 2005
maid to order....
ever worked as a hotel maid how about a motel maid it is one job that sucks big time the tourists that you see walking around your town commenting on how beautiful your city is and being polite to you become different people once they get back to their rooms they seem to think that the maid is their moma or slave ''sometimes the two words are interchangable '' they cant seem to be able to clean up behind them selves i knew my job was to clean rooms but used comdoms on the bed and pads on the floor is a little too much and with girl scouts it gets worse popcorn and candy wrappers all over the place and theres a trash basket in every room you want to say ''do you do this at home ''but you dont want to ruin your chances of getting that rare tip and tips are few and far between its a lot of work of makeing beds scrubbing toilets and flipping matresses and returning expensive jewelry for a pat on the back ''gooood girl good girl''. i even had a celebrity once i thought whoa i gonna get paid today. it didnt happen. he,s a comedian so i guess he was being funny i saw him on tv later and i thought you,re not funny steve .h
Friday, May 06, 2005
"say what ?"
jesse jackson once said to some black students that to get the same pay as a white person that they had to be twice as smart and work twice as hard or something to that effect. i bet the drop out rate shot up after that. to say something like that to anyone is sure to create a feeling of hopelessness in them. it is so unfair to work twice as hard and still get less. if you work twice as hard you should get twice as much. it is the same train of thought a lot of american companies are operating on they have found that in outsourcing jobs they can get employees that work twice as hard to manufacture their goods and indians who are twice as smart to write their software or do their telemarketing for a fraction of what they will pay americans. business wise it makes good sense to seek cheaper ways to produce goods but by finding a cheaper source of labor shows a lack of ingenuity. to deprive a person of a job in america is to deprive him of a means to exist and what little money he does have he has to spend it on the things that was made somewhere else. and rising gas prices isnt going to make it any easier for the working poor .all i can say is keep hope alive
Thursday, May 05, 2005
dysfunction junction
i was watching a talk show, well it was more of a squark, show and this poser turns to this guy and says i have a secret i hope it dont ruin our relationship. if you had ever watched this show you know the confession of hearts usually starts with 'you know i love dont you' and is followed by ,i am really a ___ a.girl, b.dude.the receiver of this heart borne revelation acts surprised, angry, and somewhat disgusted. and i am thinking this has got to be an act i mean look at him couldnt you. tell i guess with all the mixed race men in the world you know the ones with russian hands and roman fingers you just had to be a pure bred dummy i mean look at her not an ounce of fat and shoulders like a linebacker. and the other show is just as bad. women trying to find out who,s their babys daddy .after ten times it time to give up go home and hang up the train conductors hat.and to think that the reason these shows come in the evening is because some parents complained about the cartoons that use to come in the same time slot. now little suzy and little johnny dont have to watch cartoon charactors with questionable sexual preferences they can now watch the real thing. tale spin duck tales and the mighty morphin power rangers have been replaced by, tail spin, queerduck tails, and mighty morphin into what the hell is that?
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
it is so ka-reep -pee. imagine lying in your bed and waking up to find the burger king setting next to you looking like michael jackson hiding a can of jesus juice or standing at your window then he offers you something to eat 'i am not gonna eat that where did you get it have you been digging in my trash ?'the one with the black singing cowboy was all right i thought it was a parody at first. it was almost like a circus except there wasnt a naked lady outside in a cage with a sign that says 'free babar' or something like that. fast food commercials seems to be aimed at men these days they are shown fixing their cars while eating a burger not bit of oil on their hands. they stare at food with more lust than they do at the pretty girls. they are in a room acting crazy but the food is bought in they become calm and subdued. maybe we should offer the terrorists in iraq some burgers and when they become calm and subdued shoot them. you could drop a real big one on them call it the mother of all burgers. M.O.A.B no mayo.i dont eat fast food i stopped even before i saw 'super size me'besides if i wanted any i could get it out the dumpster behind the place for free. nah just kidding. but i did see someone do just that he was pushing a grocery cart with a lot of stuff in it the shelter was just down the street .but when you,re hungry you gotta eat so have it your way but dont accept any wimpy burgers or you might end up asking where,s the beef
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
ride like the wind
now this is a nice twist "bride leaves groom at the altar".the now famous, or imfamous runaway bride has been found not kidnapped as she once claimed but just having second thoughts for about the umpteenth time .a lot of women and men are wondering "whats wrong with her" i,ll kill for a chance to walk down the aisle with a loving man and of course there just as many wondering why did you come back stupid? does belching at the table and skid marks in boxers allures you that much. he might rub you the right way now but wait till your feet swell when you,re pregnant see if he,ll rub them . but then again maybe you should go on and marry him you have as the psychiatrists say"classically conditioned" him. you have given him separation anxiety he,ll do what ever you want now because he,ll fear you leaving him. see how quickly he gave you that ring?.you got him girl. you might have even started a new trend
Monday, May 02, 2005
thats me in the spotlight
have you notice how i tend to use lines from songs to title my blogs i guess i got that from my mother when i was little and would listen to an old song i would go ,hey you stole that line from my momma , actually it was the other way around.i guess it was her way of compressing every thing she had to say into one sentence which brings me to my title. have you ever seen those vanity tags that says ,god payed for it all, or something like that? are they referring to their car or truck? the bible says god is a spirit and should worshiped in spirit. are material possessions considered blessing and why when something good happens to them they say god has blessed them and when something bad happens to them they say god is testing them .but when something good happens to someone they consider an unbeliever they say the devil is tempting them. when something bad happens to the unbeliever they say god is punishing them .if its easier for a camel to through the of needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven, why do ministers drive expensive cars live in big houses and wear expensive suits. and are kids really concern about bert and ernies personal lives ?
Sunday, May 01, 2005
make me wanna holla
i was driving with my 25 year old son one day and marvin gaye,s inner city blues was on the radio at the end of the song my son asked me how did marvin gaye knew things was going to happen the way he discribed in his song oh my poor naive boy dont you know he was nt predicting the future its just that the things that was happening back then is still going on now. not much has changed since 1971 well some things has changed exporting jobs over seas is now called outsourcing ,the communist threat has been replaced by militant islam, and freezing workers wages has been replaced by union busting and exploitation of migrant workers ,why pay americans alivable wages when we can screw over the imigrants, why pay an american $10 t0 $15 an hour when you can pay an immigrant $5 an hour. i think the real threat to our way of life isnt coming from over seas its coming from within our own borders and it isnt the immigrants they will soon begin to demand better pay in time. it happened before remember' migrant workers sue walmart'.makes me wanna holla throw both my hands
Friday, April 29, 2005
my mother
when things get hard for me i would think of my mother .she had a rough life growing up. her life started out easy her dad had a good job which is saying a lot for a black man in the south in the early 1900 hundreds she said he had a car and he worked for the city of savannah. then the divorce i dont what cause my grand parents to breakup but things went down hill from there her mother moved with her and her brothers and sister to new york and would leave them alone at night to fend for themselves while she would go out to clubs. when my mom married my dad her inlaws made no attempt to hide their feelings about her. they were mean to her and to us my mom had to work to support us, appease evil inlaws ,and try to encourage her man to standup and be a man. i believe my dads major problem was that he listen to the wrong women his sisters and his mother. they didnt want him to be successful be cause they hated my mother and they openly showed their contempt for her childern .but my mom was a very forgiving person she would say if someone gives you a stone give them bread she also said that she only wanted to live long enough to see all of her children grown well she got her wish.she also used to say ,ya,ll gonna miss me when i am gone . and you what know she was right
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
if theres a cure for this
remember the swine flu epidemic of 76 .the vaccine had side some bad side effects. about the same time diana ross had a song out that went, if theres a cure for this i dont want it .iam mentioning this because every drug thats advertised on tv seems to have some side effect sure you might not be incontinent any more but you might have uncontroled fits of vomiting, or you allergy might be relieved but you wont be able to stop farting you could get something to control the gas but it,ll cause headaches . i cant get into this ,you have kill the patient to cure him, mentality the pharmaceutical companies seem to have. the best thing to do is to go to a health food store or find a old person they know a lot about home remedies. its even better to try to lead a less stressful life and eat to live .some people just live to eat , and relax . my momma always said this world aint going nowhere it was here when you got here and it,ll be here when you,re gone
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
they torn down paradise
yep, they torn down paradise and put up a golf course on hutchison island. we use to go over there to fish on the back river, we would catch red drum ,stripe bass ,flounder ,and with a cast net you could even catch shrimp .you could go back there at low tide and catch shrimp to fish with when the tide turned .now access to the river is blocked by a golf course and all the blackberry bushes have been replaced by putting greens and fairways and what little wilderness thats left will be replaced by a gated cummunity. of course there,s lots of piers to fish from around here but when was the last time you saw a bobcat or deer or even a rabbit around a fishing pier well it,s suppose to be progress i think its excess i have already seen a fox in my yard i guess a bobcat is,nt far behind .
Monday, April 25, 2005
time flys
ah its monday again so quick it seems the older you get the faster time goes by except when you,re some place you dont want to be then time drags it flies when you,re having a good time i guess you get older faster when you,re having a good time if you could get on a dance floor and shake your booty for three weeks straight nonstop at the end of the three weeks you will have a circle of people around you saying go grannie its your birthday and you,re wondering where did the time go. yeah time is fleeting but it can be held captive for a minute.the bait, a smile and a hug for loved one ,a walk around the block,a slice of pie with ice cream and whip cream and ,well you get.just enjoy your self for a minute because before you know it it,ll be monday again
Saturday, April 23, 2005
poor bruce
my youngest son farid a couple of years ago decided that he wanted to be a farmer so he got a few chickens well after gathering a few eggs that no one would eat and hatching a few chicks that a fox did eat, well if you can have chickens in the city a fox isnt to far fetch and it was the first one that i had ever seen that wasnt on tv.well after one rooster attack to many he decided that it was time to get rid of bruce the rooster. with spurs as sharp as ginsu knives bruce has become a force to be reckoned with. when you go to the yard to hang up clothes you had go armed for chicken. a broom usually does the trick.but now the enemy has to be arrested,disarm ,and sentenced to the roasting pan, the line has been drawn in the chicken scratch. now who,s gonna do it?
Friday, April 22, 2005
the nerve
my momma used to say girl you,re getting on my last nerve i am not sure how many she really had but i knew the was a line that divided the last one from the first one and when you got to close to that line you would get that warning. she aways said i had a lot of nerve i guess the amount of nerve you have decreases with age because as i have gotten older i,ve found that a lot of people are beginning to get on my last nerve. that bush threating my ssi before i get old enough get it gets on my last nerve, that aflac duck gets on my last nerve, that we have,nt gotten osama but we,re still looking, dude he,s at his momma house living in the garage ok,.and people who think they know whats wrong with black youth because they was one back in 22b.c. oh yeah people in the checkout line who would write a check for a $1.75 cents worth junk. hey i aint got all day you gonna make me miss jerry springer
Thursday, April 21, 2005
baby you can drive my car
have you ever notice how your car passengers becomes codrivers when the traffic is approaching from from their side. all heads turn to the right .'you got it this side 'well what about my head is turned to the left how do you know if my eyes are open and what about the back T2 might be gaining on us. but driving fun is when you are driving through the country. the people sitting on their porches would wave to you. people in the city would hardly give you a thankyou wave if you gave them a cut.its like hey where,s my thankyou wave.yeah i like my gas guzzling demon i dont love it. i can never love a pile of scrap metal but it comes in handy. so if i have stand by it in the parking lot with a set of jumper cables hoping someone would give me a jump so be, it because with that engine turns over, girl i am riding
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
out sourceing
the mesa police are looking to hire a monkey for their swat team. the monkey will be considered the ultimae recon tool.arm with a camera, radio, and kevlar vest.well i guess this gives new meaning to the term helper monkey think of all the unemployed monkeys who can get back to work. lancelot link was doing police work for a couple of seasons, curious george would make a good detective (he so nosey)and maybe bubbles will be looking for a job soon.but i dont know he,s kinda old and this is a young monkey,s job. (this news article later turn out to be a hoax but i had fun with it) (
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
working girl
My daughter has completed her first week at work and she is hating it. She don't like cashier work because of the impolite customers. Customers usually complain of impolite cashiers I guess it goes both ways I know she will work it out but I hope she get new job before she becomes a rude cashier. You know, before the I don't want that again take that off,the call for a price check,the what you mean my card did,nt go through.hang in there girl
Monday, April 18, 2005
click >marine mom
m third oldest son came from mos school yesterday .in 2 weeks he'll be heading out for okinawa i can still remember him leaving for his first school field trip to the atlanta zoo except there wasnt a war going on in memphis . i know he will be alright .he s bright, optimistic, and i know he has a bright future, the type of young black man you never hear about in the media. they only show you the shooters ,the dealers, and the emotional confused rappers we should all standup give props to the yuong black men and women who are trying to do something positive with their lives.
Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday, April 16, 2005
a picture i found
i was at a storage auction last year and found this picture in one of the boxes i bought it a picture of soldier in vietnam if you know this person let me know
Friday, April 15, 2005
little girls grow up
i took my daughters picture down because she said that was nt very flattering well she a teenager now and she can very picky about some things. maybe some boy she likes might see it or something and it might embarrass her. hmmm; where is that picture of her going potty ?
hospital fortress
i went to the hospital the other day to to visit a friend. the hospital was on lockdown .''what.?" oh yes i couldnt go pass the waiting see three teens were visiting a friend and one of them was carrying a 9 millimeter gun. a a security guard spotted the gun and gave chase. the kid (14) with the gun was eventually caught outside the building and there was cops all over the as i sat there another teen started to cry he had just been told that his cousin is in O.R. a victim of a shooting. two different situations with the ending. a young black teen in jail or injured.and everybody else pointing a finger.this cant go on
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
a picture of my daughter
this picture was taken 15 years ago in
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
how tell if you are sane
a man goes to his exwife s house douses her and their kids with gasoline then try to set them on fire but his lighter doesnt work she escapes and call the police; he runs away and is sill in hiding .three burglars pay an early morning visit to mc donalds tie up the cleaning guy and make off with the safe. two days later and the safe is still unopen so they call a locksmith who in turn calls the police. now they and the cleaning guy are in jail. you think they still has that locksmiths number ? i am not making this up. it all happing in my home town in the past week. if you never did any of these thing then you are doing alright sanity wise
you know life is not without problems but theres alway a ray of sunshine to brighten your day taking the kids to the library talking to good friend even planting a few flowers can make a good day a great day
Sunday, April 10, 2005
it takes a village idiot to raise a child
being a single parent is challenging to say the least but without it s small victories you know honor roll cute little awards from the school to frame and hang on the wall, one more and i ll have all the cracks cover up, but went i read the newspaper every now and then i ll come across a mother she dont what went wrong with her child. you mean that brat that used to torment my children every day i told about it and you laughed maybe my i kids should learn to fight unfortunatly too many people seem to think that way around here and it isnt working
Saturday, April 09, 2005
a womans work
a man may work or collect unemployment or mooch off you from sun to sun but a womans work is hard as hell and never done i remember the day my ex left he said "i cant deal with this " well hell i cook i clean i take care of the kids just go out and get some money. maybe we;ll get a fast car but he wasnt hearing that besides i dont think he liked it when i hit him back when he would hit me
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